Apple Orchard

Volume 1

Volume Issue Date Title
1 1 March/April 1980 Introducing International Apple Core
1 2 Fall 1980 Apple /// is Here!
1 3 Winter 1980/1981 Interfacing BASIC to RNTS


Volume 2

Volume Issue Date Title
2 1 Spring 1981 The IAC is coming to Chicago in May
2 2 Summer 1981 Disc Copy Controversy
2 3 Fall 1981 The Apple Nobody Knows
2 4 Winter 1981/1982 Datagramming: A Look into the Future


Volume 3

Volume Issue Date Title
3 1 March-April 1982 Computers in Education
3 2 May-June 1982 Portable Pascal
3 3 July-August 1982 Saul Bernstein
3 4 September-October 1982 Remote Apples
3 5 November-December 1982 Speeding up DOS


Volume 4

Volume Issue Date Title
4 1 February 1983 Special: The New //e Inside and Out
4 2 March 1983 *Missing from Collection*
4 3 April 1983 DOSLess Access
4 4 June 1983 SIGs
4 5 August 1983 Apple /// Wordstar
4 6 September 1983 How a School Funded Apples
4 7 October 1983 The Speediest Apple
1 8 November 1983 Lawyers and Apples
1 9 December 1983 Music with Apples


Volume 5

Volume Issue Date Title
5 1 January 1984 ProDOS
5 2 February 1984 Macintosh
5 3 March 1984 Apple II and /// Trap Mouses!
5 4 April/May 1984 The Educated Apple
5 5 June 1984 Apple's Newest - The //c!
5 6 July 1984 Apples Schedule Sunshine
5 7 August/September 1984 The People Amplifier!
5 8 October 1984 *Missing from Collection*
5 9 November 1984 *Missing from Collection*
5 10 December 1984 *Missing from Collection*

Apple Orchard was published by the Apple Core Users Group to provide information to fans of the Apple Computer at the Fifth Annual West Coast Computer Faire.

The User's Group continued publication as the magazine grew, going from quarterly to nearly monthly (typically about 10 issues a year) as the subscriber base grew.

The August/September 1984 issue hinted at trouble but promised an October issue. I'm not sure if it ever happened.

Any additional information and copies of any missing issues would be greatly appreciated.