
Volume 1

Volume Issue Date Title
1 1 February, 1984 Hands On IBM's Junior
1 2 March, 1984 Birth of the PCjr: The Inside Story
1 3 April, 1984 LOGO: A Language for Everyone
1 4 May, 1984 New Keyboards for the IBM PCjr
1 5 June, 1984 *Missing from Collection*
1 6 July, 1984 *Missing from Collection*
1 7 August, 1984 *Missing from Collection*
1 8 September, 1984 *Missing from Collection*
1 9 October, 1984 *Missing from Collection*
1 10 November, 1984 *Missing from Collection*
1 11 December, 1984 *Missing from Collection*

PC Magazine realized that there would likely be a market for the PCjr and decided to offer a magazine to inform and educate that market. PCjr was that magazine and it was printed before the Jr. ever hit store shelves. With the less than rousing success of the PCjr itself, it was a short-lived publication.