IMSAI 8080
The IMSAI 8080 was probably the first clone in the PC world. The unprecedented success of the MITS Altair prompted many to enter the Personal Computer arena with competing systems to capitalize on the new market and MITS inability to fulfill all of its orders in a timely fashion.
The IMSAI 8080 gained further fame when it stared in the 1984 film, War Games, alongside Matthew Broderick and Alley Sheedy.

The inside of this 8080 case is as clean as the day it was built. Only about half of the 22 slots on the motherboard are populated.

The IMSAI processor board running an Intel 8080A.

One of the IMSAI's RAM boards, a Problem Solver Systems 16K unit.

The Cromemco Bytesaver II was a popular PROM board capable of holding 8 PROMS and burning new data onto them.

The Processor Technology VDM-1 was one of the first ever video boards.

CUTS was another Processor Technology Product capable of driving a cassette tape deck for program and data storage.
This IMSAI System came with a nearly complete set of documentation, pictured below.

The IMSAI also came with a couple of program tapes including ALS-8 and BASIC. These have not yet been tested.

And finally, the IMSAI came with a nice parallel keyboard in spite of the fact that it doesn't have a Parallel card installed.