Heathkit 3400

Description | |
Manufacturer | Heath, Inc. |
Model | ET-3400 Microprocessor Trainer |
Date Announced | 1976 |
Date Canceled | Unknown |
Number Produced | Many tens of thousands |
Country of Origin | USA |
Price | Approx. $200.00 |
Current Value | $50-$100 |
Specifications | --- |
Processor | Motorola 6800 |
Speed | 1 MHz |
RAM | 256 Bytes base expandable to several K via different add-ons. |
ROM | 1K ROM(s) for Tiny BASIC, Monitor, etc. |
Storage | |
Expansion | Heathkit ET-3400 Memory I/O Expansion Accessory |
Bus | N/A |
Video | |
I/O | Serial |
OS Options | None |
Notes | With the Memory I/O Accessory the trainer could be used as a full computer programmable in BASIC or Assembly including the ability to hook up a terminal for I/O and a tape recorder for program storage. |
Related Items in Collection | Heathkit ET-3100, Heathkit ET-3200 |
Related Items Wanted | None |
From the manual: "The ET-3400 Microcomputer Learning System is a practical, low cost microprocessor trainer; designed as a learning tool to teach microprocessor operation, programming, and applications."
The breadboard areas allowed students to configure the machine for a variety of different experiments and tasks.
With the expansion chassis the memory was extended significantly and the input/output capabilities were expanded to allow the use of a terminal and cassette tape drive.

The device in my collection was donated by Mary-Anne Boulet.