
One of my major \"sub-collections\" is magazines and other publications. I have limited myself mostly to issues printed prior to 1985 and still my (limited) space is overflowing with these. Included in this collection are some very common and some very obscure examples. A partial list is below:
- Byte magazine - almost complete from Volume 1 Number 1 (1975) to nearly the end of the print run in the late 1990s.
- Creative Computing Magazine - nearly complete from Volume 1 (1975) to Volume 9 (1983) with some of volume 10.
- Kilobaud Microcomputing - I have every issue through 1982 (#1 through #72) except issue #48. I don't believe there was an issue #48 since it would have fallen between December and January so this is probably a publishing error.
- Dr. Dobb's journal of Computer Calisthenics and Orthodontia - I have bound sets of each of the first seven volumes (complete issues contained therein) as well as the entire first year (Vol 1, Number 1 through Vol 1 Number 10) and the following additional issues: Vol 2 Nos 1 and 5; Vol 3 No 2; Vol 3 Nos 4-10; Vol 4 Nos 1-5, 7-10; Vol 5 Nos 1-6, 8-10; Vol 6 Nos 1-3
- SCCS Interface/Interface Age - I have all of Vol 1 of SCCS Interface plus two issues of the newsletter that pre-dated the magazine - what should be a complete run. I also have most or all of Interface Age with the exception of 1979 which I am missing completely.
- Computer Notes - I have a rare complete set of this publication.
- Popular Computing - numbers 37 (vol 4, number 4 - April 1976) through 48 (Vol 5, number 3 - March 1977). I'd be very interested in getting any more issues I can of this publication.
- IEEE Transactions on Computers - I have the December issues from 1969, 1970 and 1972.
- Computer Magazine - IEEE Computer Society - I have Jan/Feb 1971 and March of 1977. I'd love to get any other issues of this publication.
- PC Magazine - I have every issue from Volume 1 through Volume 3 number 12 (June 1984) - I am still looking for the rest of 1984, at least.
- PC World Magazine - I have the first year and a half of this magazine complete from Volume 1, number 1 to Volume 2 number 6 (again, June 1984)
- Personal Computer Age - I have every issue of this magazine from Volume 1, number 1 to Volume 3, number 5 (which may have been the final issue)
- PC Tech Journal - I have about half of the first three years of this magazine including two copies of Volume 1, number 1. I am looking to complete Volumes 1 to 3, at least.
- Softalk for the IBM Personal Computer - I have about 10 issues from Volume 1. and most of volume 2. I'd like any that I don't have, and many that I do (the soft covers seemed to upset my postman.)
- Reference Magazine - "The business journal for IBM Personal Computing" - I have the premier issue, and no more.
- Jr. Magazine - I have the premier issue, and no more.
- PC Junior Magazine - I have the first four issues of this magazine
- Antic Magazine (The Atari Resource) - I have a complete set of this.
- A.N.A.L.O.G. - I have a complete set save issues 1 and 5.
A more complete, but still not totally complete, list of publications I own is down the side of this page as a menu linking to detail pages for each magazine. Many of these have detailed inventories of issues owned. The rest will eventually. Missing are a few publications that managed to get stored too deep in the pile to pull. . . for now.
If you have magazines you wish to sell or donate please don't hesitate to contact me. If I don't need them myself I'll do my best to help you find them homes.
Because they are especially interesting the following are all "premier" issues of magazines I have in my collection. For most of these issues I have many of the subsequent issues as well although a few are alone in the collection. I also have many journals for which I don't have the first issue. . . yet.
This is not necessarily a comprehensive list, but I'm trying!

Byte Magazine is another grand daddy of the genre and is probably the most recognized of the general small computer magazines. They started publication in 1975, shortly after Creative Computing Magazine, and became one of the most popular computer magazines in the world.

Creative Computing Magazine was one of the first, if not the first, general purpose computing magazine on the market. They published somewhat intermittently at first but settled into a bi-monthly cycle after the first year. Eventually they became a monthly magazine until their demise.

ROM Magazine was a short-lived publication that covered much of the same ground as Byte Magazine and Creative Computing Magazine. After a handful of issues it was absorbed into Creative Computing.

Kilobaud Microcomputing Magazine was introduced as direct competition for Byte Magazine. In fact, it was originally supposed to be called KiloByte magazine, but the name wasn't quite subtle enough.

SCCS Interface Magazine was the club journal for the Southern California Computer Society. This is one of two issues of the newsletter format journal they published before starting their slick magazine.

After the first two newsletters SCCS Interface Magazine became a slick, professional publication.

When SCCS Interface Magazine became popular enough that ad revenue exceeded the cost to print (i.e. the magazine became profitable) the publishing house decided to take over the magazine, producing Interface Age Magazine as a clear knock off of the club newsletter. In fact, they even started their numbering where SCCS Interface would have been.

Computer Notes Magazine was the official MITS Publication for the MITS Altair 8800 computer. I've managed to collect every issue published. Of note is the fact that Bill Gates was a regular contributor.

MicroTrek was a short lived general purpose computer magazine from the early days of microcomputing.

Dr. Dobb's Magazine was another early entrant into the general purpose magazine space. They did focus more on programming than most of the other journals which helped them evolve into the programming journal they are today. They are, in fact, one of the few remaining magazines from the 1970s.

Family Computing Magazine was published as an educational/home computer supplement.

On Computing was another early general purpose personal computing publication.

Calculators Computers Magazine was an early effort to split the difference between computers and calculators. In the end the difference was too much for the publication.

ES Magazine was directed squarely at the electronic spreadsheet market.

Compute Magazine was the renamed and re-targeted Pet Gazette. After focussing on the Commodore Pet for some time, the publisher branched out to the whole family of 6502 based machines.

PC Magazine was the first journal published for the IBM Personal Computer user community.

PC World Magazine was sort of a break-away publication from PC Magazine. They expanded the stated scope of the publication to include PC clones.

PC Age Magazine Personal Computer Age was a more technical publication than most of the rest of the PC dedicated journals. It was lesser known, but it did have a following.

PC Tech Journal was PC Magazine's answer to the PC Age focus. It was a more technical, less review and ad oriented publication than its sister magazine.

Reference was a business oriented magazine for the users of the IBM PC.

PCjr Magazine was the PC Magazine sister publication for the IBM PC jr.

Jr. Magazine was the Wayne Green publication dedicated to the IBM PCjr.

Computer User Magazine was published for the users of Tandy/Radio Shack systems.

The Eighty was another TRS-80 based publication.

The North Star Newsletter was the official publication of the North Star Computer Corporation for their machines such as the NorthStar Horizon

The Portable Companion was published for the community of portable computer users working on systems such as the Osborne 1 and the Kaypro 2x.

Sextant was a publication dedicated to the community of Heathkit/Zenith computer users.

Micropendium Magazine, a TI 99/4A Computer journal, started out as the Home Computer Compendium.

Atari Age was the Atari catalog as well as a general purpose magazine tailored to their home computer and gaming products.

Apple was a publication of Apple Computer and was a combination of magazine and catalog for their products.

A+ was published as a general purpose magazine for the community of Apple Computer users.

Apple Orchard was published to provide information to fans of the Apple Computer at the Fifth Annual West Coast Computer Faire.

Open Apple Gazette was the newsletter for the Apple /// SIG of the San Francisco Apple Core users group.

On Three was a magazine written for users of the Apple /// computer.

Atari Connection was the official Atari publication for their computer systems.

R.O.M. was a short-lived magazine for Atari computers.

ANTIC was one of the most popular Atari magazines.

Hi Res was a rather obscure Atari journal.

Computer Readout was a half catalog, half magazine publication.

ComputerSmyth was a highly technical hardware journal.

S-100 Microsystems was a premier journal dedicated to the S-100 Bus.

APDAlog was an Apple Developers catalog and magazine.

Aardvark Journal was an OSI centric newsletter.

Z-100 Lifeline was a newsletter devoted to the Z-100 computer system.

ON The Osborne Newsletter. As its name implies, it was a newsletter for Osborne computer users.

Micro/Systems Journal was billed as being for the "Advanced Computer User" which, to them, meant primarily CP/M and S-100 systems in the mid 1980s.

The Jeffries Report was a one-man newsletter covering early computer information.

Timex Sinclair User devoted itself to the Timex/Sinclair 1000 and subsequent machines.

Interactive was the Rockwell International (AIM-65) company newsletter.

Enthusiast 99 was published for users of the TI/99 family of early microcomputers.

These two books contain bound issues of Byte Magazine Vol. 1 number 1 (September 1975) through Vol. 1 number 16 (December 1976)

This November 1975 issue is significant because it is the first issue for which Robert Tinney created the cover art. Over the course of Byte's history, he would produce the covers to most of the issues. December 1975 is pictured above.

This is my "best of" Dr. Dobbs collection. Each of these seven volumes contains the full text of each issue from that year. Thanks to Philip Freidin for these!

In addition to the compilations, I have many "loose" issues.

Computer Notes was the official MITS publication for the Altair computers. Altair buyers got 1 years free subscription when they registered their machines. The magazine was an excellent source of Altair tricks and fixes and software. I have one of the few complete sets in existence.

The Best of Creative Computing has the bulk of the first years of that magazines articles, etc. These are volumes 1 and 2 although I have 1, 2 and 3 as well as a nearly complete set of Creative Computing.

Popular computing was a newsletter that pre-dated even Byte. The issues I have are from 1976 and 1977, but represent the 4th volume forward. They were distributed as stapled photocopies.